
The 5 top Papers 

Spacetime Gaussian Grouping for 4D object

by Bangning Wei, Joshua Maraval, Baptiste
Besnard, Meriem Outtas, Kidiyo Kpalma,
Nicolas Ramin and Lu Zhang

Thyroidiomics: An Automated Pipeline for
Segmentation and Classification of Thyroid
Pathologies from Scintigraphy Image

by Maziar Sabouri et al.

Advancing Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosis: A
Fine-Grained Approach Using Swin Transformer
and Explainable AI Techniques

by Muhammad Fahad, Noor E Mobeen, Ali
Imran Shariq, Faouzi Alaya Cheikh,
Sher Muhammad Daudpota, Mohib Ullah

An efficient Crayfish Optimization for advanced
tracheal segmentation techniques in video
endoscopy using 2D Non-Local Mean

by Amir Hamza, Adel Oulefki, Abbes Amira,
Fatih Kurugollu

Performance evaluation of a Photon-Counting
micro‐CT system for Spectral Imaging and its

by Mengjia Xue, Qian Liu, Tianwu Xie

 Best Demo

Real-Time Depth-Based Multilayer Image
Computation for 3D Displays

by Dubar Eva, Van Bogaert, Laurie Losfeld,
Armand Lafruit, Gauthier; Teratani

Outstanding Reviewers 

Tianwu XIE           (Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
Joaquín OLIVARES (University of Cordoba, Cordoba,Spain)
Benoit   VOZEL  (University of Rennes 1, Renne, France)
Dalila CHERIFI  (University of Boumerdes, Boumerdes, Algeria)
Mohib   ULLAH  (NTNU, Gjovik, Norway)
Soumia SID AHMED (University of Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi, Bordj Bou Arréridj, Algeria)

Lucas THOMAZ (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Leiria, Portugal)
Xinwei LIU (Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo, China)

General Information

EUVIP 2024 selects winners to receive the Best Paper Award, the Best Student Paper Award, and the Best Reviewer Award.

Best Paper Award and the Best Student Paper Award

The Best Paper Award and the Best Student Paper Award aim to honor exceptional technical contributions and promote high-quality research within the technical scope of the workshop.

The final awards decisions will be taken after the presentation of these papers.

The Best Paper/Student Paper Awards Selection Guidelines are:

  • Exclusions: The papers from the General Co-chairs, Technical Program Chairs, Special Sessions Chairs, and Awards Chairs are excluded from consideration.
  • Initial Score Based Selection: The 5 accepted papers receiving the highest scores and good recognition in the review process are chosen as candidates, by the Awards Chairs.
  • Candidates Presentation: The 5 selected papers will be arranged for presentation, in non-time-overlapping sessions.
  • Award Selection Committee: The Award Selection Committee may include members of EUVIP 2024 Organizing Committee without any conflict of interest with the competing authors, notably General Co-Chairs, Technical Program Chairs, Special Session Chairs and Award Chairs, and members of the EUVIP Steering Committee, in a maximum of 5 members. To be a valid member of this committee, the experts will have to score all the candidate papers.
  • Award Criteria: The Award Selection Committee will consider the technical quality, the technical novelty, the potential impact, the editorial quality, the presentation quality, and the capability to answer questions.
  • Award Selection Procedure: The Award Selection Committee members should attend the presentations and give a vote between 1 and 5 (best) to each paper, considering the award criteria.
  • Winners Definition: After consolidation of the votes by the Awards Chairs, the paper receiving the highest overall score by the Award Selection Committee will be awarded as the Best Paper Award (even if the first author is a student); the paper with the second highest vote and with a student as the first author (that should be also the presenter of the paper) will be awarded the Best Student Paper Award. In case of a tie, the award will be attributed to the papers tied and the award amount split between them.
  • Issues: If there is any issue arising before the final decision can be reached, the Award Selection Committee will meet at the conference site to resolve.
Best Reviewer Award

The Best Reviewer Award aims to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of one reviewer, and to promote high quality reviews.

The Best Reviewer Award Selection Guidelines are:

  • Exclusions: The General Co-Chairs, Technical Program Chairs, Special Session Chairs and Award Chairs are excluded from consideration.
  • Reviewer Selection Committee: The Reviewer Selection Committee will include members of the EUVIP 2024 Organizing Committee, notably General Co-Chairs, Technical Program Chairs, Special Session Chairs and Award Chairs, in a maximum of 7 members.
  • Award Criteria: The Reviewer Award Selection Committee will consider the reviewing quality, notably insightful and supportive feedback promoting the paper improvement by the authors, and the timeliness of the reviews.

The recipients of the Awards has been announced at the Workshop dinner.