Call for industrial exhibition and demo

The EUVIP 2024 committee is hereby releasing a call for:

Demonstrations of recent research outputs or innovations related to the topics covered by the conference, and
Exhibitions of new equipment or technology related to the topics covered by the conference.
The objective is that the demo and exhibition session will provide a lively forum for researchers in both industry and academia to present their work and to foster stimulating discussions and constructive feedback from leading experts in the field.

Submission Instructions

For the exhibitions, we ask the interested participants to submit a short description of their proposed exhibition – maximum 1 page, in PDF format. The exhibition could be, for example, showing new research equipment related to the topics covered by the conference, new tools or software that could be relevant to the conference attendees, etc.

For the demos, we ask the interested participants to submit a 1-2 page description (also in PDF) of their proposed demonstration. The description should include the following:

Demonstration title
Name(s), affiliation(s), emails(s) of the demo contributors
A short description of the technology behind the demo and a brief introduction of the equipment used in the demo (which would be required at the conference).
The demo could be, for example, an implemented algorithm of a new technology (related to the topics in the conference) that can run on a computer and generate visible output, or videos showing recent research outputs, etc. Note that the demos can relate to previously published work, or to ongoing research that the authors have the right to disclose publicly.

For both the exhibition and demo proposals, these will be judged for acceptance based on:

Technical merit and innovation.
Relevance to the conference topics.
Their potential to stimulate interesting discussions and exchange of ideas.
At the conference, before the start of the Demo & Exhibition session, we will ask one representative for each of the accepted exhibitions and demos to present a 1-minute “advertisement” (with 1 PowerPoint or PDF slide) to the audience, to encourage them to come and see the demo/exhibition.


Demo proposals will not appear in the EUVIP 2024 proceedings published in IEEE Xplore. However, they will appear online in the proceedings of the Demo Session on the website of the EUVIP 2024 workshop.

Please note that at least one person needs to register to EUVIP 2024 for presenting the demo/exhibition. Registration of a regular paper will also cover presenting a demonstration if the authors wish to do so. In this case, we would ask the authors to also submit a demo proposal as described in the Submission Instructions above.

Important dates

Submission deadline: 30th June, 2024
Camera-ready demo/exhibition description: 30th June, 2024


Submissions (and any questions related to the industrial exhibitions and demos) should be emailed to the project dissemination chairs.


There will be a prize offered for the Best Demo at the conference award ceremony.